Appointment cancellation
72 hours or more prior to Scheduled Date & Time of workNo Charge
48 to 72 hours prior to Scheduled Date & Time of work½ Cost of min. call
Less than 48 hours prior to Scheduled Date & Time of workMinimum call
No access to heating appliance upon arrival at scheduled appointmentMinimum call + Mileage (if applicable)*
Emergency Call Charge (if applicable)
Wood heating appliance being used or still hot upon arrival at scheduled appointmentMinimum call + Mileage (if applicable) + Emergency Call Charge (if applicable)
Unable to perform work because of condition of heating appliance systemMinimum call + Mileage (if applicable) + Emergency Call Charge (if applicable)
Any other circumstances when work cannot be performed upon arrival at scheduled appointment
Minimum call + Mileage (if applicable) + Emergency Call Charge (if applicable)

**Minimum Call : Based upon amount of time scheduled for the appointment.

**Emergency Call : When work has to be performed before the next available opening in the regular schedule.

**Mileage : Added to cost based on time of travel and mileage from Main Street in Whitehorse, YT to work location.
Included in minimum call : 10 km and 10 minutes from Main Street in Whitehorse, YT